新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电视剧内容制作通则发布方不具硬性约束力


TV content production General issuer does not have a hard binding

2016-03-04 06:42:09来源: 中国青年网

日前有一份名为《电视剧内容制作通则》的文件被曝出。这份文件盖了红色印章,只不过是盖在文件末尾,而不是开头,所以当不得红头文件来看,由它引起的恐慌心理也是不必要的。真按照《通则》“规定”百分百实施,那么电视剧这种娱乐产品可以消失了。 之所以给“规定”打上引号,是因为文件发布方不是具有硬...

Recently, a report entitled "TV content production General" files are exposed. This document covers the red seal, but is covered at the end of the file, rather than the beginning, so when red tape can not run, it is caused by panic and unnecessary. True accordance with the "General" "provides" 100 percent implemented, then this TV entertainment products may disappear. The reason for the "provision" marked with quotation marks, because the file is not a publisher with a hard ...