新关注 > 信息聚合 > 云通信平台提供者Nexmo发布下一代语音API


Cloud communication platform provider Nexmo release next generation speech API

2016-09-21 13:34:47来源: CTI论坛

CTI论坛(ctiforum.com)9月21日消息(编译/老秦): Nexmo的下一代语音API将帮助开发人员增加TTS、呼叫控制、会议、电话录音等功能到他们的通信应用中。 近日,通信平台即服...

CTI BBS (ctiforum.com) on September 21, message (compile/old qin) : the next generation of Nexmo speech API will help developers to increase the TTS, call control, meetings, telephone recording, and other functions to their communications applications. Recently, the communication platform as a suit...