新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美服游戏商城:可直接付费角色转换服务


Game Mall: pay role conversion service

2015-10-02 14:03:19来源: 多玩游戏

在美服的游戏内商城中现在已经提供了新的选择性付费服务项目,包括外观,阵营,姓名,种族的转换,可以使玩家更好地根据个人喜好改变游戏角色。 之前想要改变这些项目的话只能在战网网页中游戏服务这一块进行...

served in the United States the in-game store now offers a new selective paid service projects, including the appearance, camp, name, conversion of the race can make players better according to personal preferences to change the role of the game. Before you want to change these items only if Webpage in this game battle.net service block...

标签: 游戏