新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王世绩:科技工作者应始终心系祖国


The king of the performance: technology workers should always heart is the motherland

2016-07-13 10:54:08来源: 光明网

“天下古今之人未有无志而建功”。作为一名科技工作者,应该始终心系祖国,以对国家、对民族高度负责来思考定位,着眼未来,树立远大的目标——王世绩 人物百科 王世绩, 1932年9月28日生于上海...

"The world of ancient and modern people had no ambition and achieve". As a science and technology workers, should always be heart is the motherland, with highly responsible to the country and the nation to think about positioning, future-oriented, sets up the lofty goal - the king performance Figure encyclopedia The performance, wang was born on September 28, 1932, Shanghai...