新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3674天!男篮能否翻过伊朗大山 半决赛取胜3要素

3674天!男篮能否翻过伊朗大山 半决赛取胜3要素

3674 day! Men's basketball can climbed over mountains in Iran semi-final win 3 elements

2015-10-01 22:59:14来源: 搜狐

(2013年菲律宾亚锦赛) 7连胜,包括1/4决赛46分大胜印度队,中国男篮继2011年之后,4年以来首次杀进亚锦赛四强。半决赛对阵卫冕冠军伊朗队,被视作提前到来的决赛。近几年,伊朗队如同一座大...

(2013 Philippines Asian Championships) seven wins, including the quarter final 46 points victory over the Indian team, the Chinese men's basketball team after 2011, four years since the first rounded Championships semi-finals. Semi - final against the defending champion Iran team, is regarded as ahead of the final. In recent years, the Iran team is like a big...