新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10日全区维护公告 开放水城全新超级玩法

10日全区维护公告 开放水城全新超级玩法

10, the region's maintenance announcement open Shuicheng new super play

2015-04-10 21:02:12来源: 游久网

本次全区(除:爽服一区、爽服二区、爽服三区、爽服四区)更新内容 【重点更新】 一、失落水城地图开启全新超级玩法(刺探、挖宝),完成任务可获得海量银子,同时获得外形碎片可兑换积分,积分可兑换酷...

the region (except: cool clothes in a district, cool clothes Second District, cool clothes in three areas, cool service four districts) updates on updates, lost Shuicheng map opens new super play (spying, digging treasure), complete the task can get massive silver, shape debris can redeem points. Points can be redeemed for cool...