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半场-戴琳推人染黄 德扬入球国安1-0鲁能

Half - Dai Lin pushing dyed yellow Dejan goal Guoan 1-0 Luneng

2015-08-12 20:43:09来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间8月12日晚,2015赛季中超联赛第22轮赛事继续进行,北京国安主场对阵山东鲁能,凭借德扬在第7分钟的入球,上半场结束时国安1-0领先。上半场较量中双方多次出现摩擦,各自领到两张黄牌。 国安近3轮1平2负,滑落到了积分榜第4位。鲁能近6轮5胜1平,43分积分已超出...

sina sports news Beijing time on the evening of August 12, 2015 season of super league tournament 22nd round of the tournament to continue, Beijing Guoan at home against Shandong Luneng, by Dejan in the 7th minute goal, at the end of the first half Guoan a 1-0 lead. In the first half of the game, the two sides repeatedly friction, respectively, received two yellow cards. National security nearly 1 round 3 square 2 negative, slipped to fourth place in the standings. Luneng nearly 5 round 6 wins 1 flat, 43 points have been exceeded...