新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人大代表:近七成大学生创业月收入不足3000元


NPC: nearly 70 percent of college students entrepreneurial income of less than 3000 yuan

2015-03-04 02:21:42来源: 西部网

人大代表孙维在进京的列车上接受记者采访 西部网讯(特派北京记者 贾存真 王莹 贺桐)再过几个月,又将有700多万大学生走出校门,面临逐年激烈的就业竞争,创业成了不少大学生对未来的美好憧憬。但与此...

deputies Sun Wei accepts a reporter to interview Western Reuters in Beijing on the train (special Beijing reporter Jia Cunzhen Wang Ying He Tong) a few months, and will be about 7000000 college students are facing fiercer competition, employment, entrepreneurship has become quite a number of students for a better the vision for the future. But with this...