新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL亚索只值一张金币卡?细数那些抠门的补偿


LOL arthorn only the value of a gold card? Count the stingy northeast net

2015-08-14 15:04:07来源: 东北网

LOL8月11日更新之后,因为泉水杀人Bug而被关小黑屋的亚索,终于得见天日。而官方为了弥补自己的过失,也打出了公告,对玩家进行补偿。只是这补偿的内容让人大跌眼镜.... “向截止8月11日前所有...

11 update after, because of spring to kill bug and was off Xiaoheiwu Yasuo, finally saw the light of day. And the official in order to make up for their own fault, but also played a notice to the players to compensate. But this compensation makes surprising. "... to stop all before 11 August...

标签: LOL