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意大利历史第一!17岁天才传承布冯 新时代来了

Italian history the first! 17 years old genius inheritance gianluigi buffon to new era

2016-09-02 10:56:57来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 年仅17岁就代表国家队出场 新浪体育讯 对于唐纳鲁马来说,这是值得纪念的一天,他以17岁零6个月的年龄第一次代表意大利成年国家队出场,成为了意大利历史上完成国家队首...

In the video loading, please wait... On behalf of the caps was only 17 years old Dispatch of sina sports For Donna ma lu, this is a memorable day, he for 17 years and 6 months of age for the first time on behalf of the Italian national team, has become the Italian national team first in the history of...