新关注 > 信息聚合 > 锤粉告锤子科技败诉 法院支持原价退货

锤粉告锤子科技败诉 法院支持原价退货

To hammer hammer powder technology The court upheld the original return

2016-09-24 12:20:59来源: 中国网

昨天记者了解到,“锤粉”起诉锤子科技虚假宣传案法院作出判决,原告多项诉讼请求被驳回,但法院支持其原价退货。 今年6月,有自称锤粉的用户将锤子科技和罗永浩告上法庭,指控罗永浩在锤子科技ROM发布会...

Yesterday, the reporter understands, "hammer powder" hammer technology false advertising case against court ruled that the plaintiff a number of claims rejected, but the court support for its original price returns. In June, there are claims that the user will hammer hammer powder technology and Mr Luo to court, accused Mr Luo in the hammer technology ROM conference...