新关注 > 信息聚合 > 看全球制造业巨擘如何布局工业物联网


See how the global manufacturing giant industrial iot layout

2016-07-20 10:17:11来源: RFID世界网

摘要:通用电气数字部表示,到2030年,全球工业物联网总投资将达60万亿美元。通用电气数字部和日立Hitachi Insight Group不是工业物联网的唯一参与方,他们专注于使工业物联网成为智能...

Abstract: ge digital department said, by 2030, global industrial iot will have a total investment of 60 trillion dollars. Ge digital department and Hitachi Hitachi Insight Group is not the only participants industrial iot, they focused on making industrial iot intelligence...

标签: 物联网