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InfoComm China 2017 威盛诠释Mobile+物联网应用新平台

InfoComm China 2017 interpretation via Mobile + Internet of things application the new platform

2017-04-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

InfoComm China 2017于4月12-14日在北京国家会议中心隆重开幕。本届展会,威盛电子携最新的“Mobile+物联网应用平台”亮相,展示威盛在智能交通、智能零售、智能家居和综合应用管理上最具创新性和更加智能化的移动物联网全新产品,诠释未来移动物联网的全新形态。 图:InfoComm China 2017威盛展台 走进展台,就有几名参观者在把玩体验着几款非常小巧可爱的电子产品。这就是威盛在此前刚刚发布的威盛Vpai 720°全景摄影摄像平台。据悉,此产品有七款尺寸可任选,在本次展会上我们看到了其中的三款。这几款时尚超便携式的全景相机,可以让消费者轻松地对令人惊叹的亲身体...

InfoComm China 2017 on April 12 to 14, in the grand opening of Beijing national convention center. The exhibition, via technologies together with the latest "Mobile + Internet of things application platform", show via the smart and intelligent transportation, retail, intelligent household and integrated application of management on the most innovative and more intelligent Mobile Internet of new products, the future Mobile Internet of interpretation of the new form. Graph: the InfoComm China 2017 via the booth Went into the booth, there will be a few visitors in play to experience a few very small cute electronic products. Before this is via just released via Vpai 720 ° panoramic photography camera platform. It is understood that this product has seven size to choose, in this exhibition we saw three of them. This a few fashion ultra portable panoramic camera, can let consumer easy to amazing kiss body...

标签: 物联网