新关注 > 信息聚合 > 用友iuap云运维平台支持基于K8s的微服务架构


Ufida iuap cloud operations platform support K8s based micro service architecture

2016-07-15 23:02:00来源: 比特网

什么是微服务架构? 微服务(MicroServices)架构是当前互联网业界的一个技术热点,业内各公司也都纷纷开展微服务化体系建设。微服务架构的本质,是用一些功能比较明确、业务比较精练的服务去解...

What is a micro service architecture? Micro service (MicroServices) architecture is a technology focus in the current Internet industry, the industry of service companies also have to carry out the micro system. The essence of micro service architecture, is to use some specific features, business more refined service to solve...