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Open test first hot cut U.S. troops battle fought with shade

2016-04-07 00:43:38来源: 天极网

首款战争直男新游《斩千军》4月1日杀意内测火爆进行中!全新双线新服“烽烟四起”火爆开启!异次元战场、博望坡副本、天地裂痕等全新内容来袭!引爆了开服盛况! 《斩千军》客户端下载:http://zq...

Straight men's first war XinYou on April 1, the cut U.S. troops killed meaning closed to the fiery! Double new clothing "sanguo dynasty" new open! Different dimensional battlefield, bo hope new contents such as copy of the slope, the heavens and the earth crack to attack! Detonated a suit! To cut U.S. troops client download: http://zq...