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西蒙尼获世界最佳教练 被赞“苹果的乔布斯”

Simone was the world's best coaches are great "apple's Steve jobs"

2016-08-13 01:35:36来源: 华体网

西蒙尼登顶世界最佳教练 英国足球杂志《四四二》发布了他们的“世界最佳教练”榜单,今年欧冠决赛落败的西蒙尼排在第一位。该杂志对西蒙尼的点评是,“他就是马竞的同义词,如同史蒂夫·乔布斯对苹果一样。” ...

Simone top best coach in the world English football magazine "442" released their "world's best coaches" list, this year's champions league final defeat of simone came first. The magazine to simone review is that "he is a synonym for atletico Madrid, like Steve jobs to apple." ...

标签: 苹果