新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝巴萨收购维耶托达协议 2200万欧锁定第五签

曝巴萨收购维耶托达协议 2200万欧锁定第五签

Exposure to Barcelona to buy d yettaw euro 22 million locking the fifth sign of agreement

2016-07-23 16:09:29来源: 华体网

7月23日讯 据西班牙《世界体育报》消息,西甲豪门巴萨已经和马德里竞技就维耶托的转会达成了协议,这名阿根廷前锋将以2200万欧元的身价转会巴萨,从而成为恩里克在今年夏天的第五笔签约。 维耶托出生于...

On July 23 - , according to Spanish dello sport of the world's Spanish giants Barcelona and atletico Madrid are d yettaw, reached an agreement for the transfer of the Argentina striker will move to Barcelona, with a net worth of 22 million euros, becoming enrique fifth signing this summer. D "was born...