新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海正药业定增时刻恐遭欧盟封杀 药品存交叉污染风险

海正药业定增时刻恐遭欧盟封杀 药品存交叉污染风险

Hisun time set by the EU for fear of being blocked deposit drug cross contamination risk

2016-09-24 19:01:48来源: 新浪

摘要:以“成为广受尊重的全球化专业制药企业”为愿景的海正药业(600267.SH),旗下药品却接连因为生产和管理问题先后在美国和欧盟市场遭禁。 华夏时报(公众号:chinatimes)记者 徐超...

Abstract: to become a respected global specialty pharmaceutical company "for the vision of hzyy (600267.SH), its drug production and management problems because he had worked in the United States and the European Union market banned. China Times (public number: ChinaTimes) reporter Xu Chao...