新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东云助互联网+战略落地中国行西安站成功!


Jingdong to help Internet plus cloud strategy landing Chinese for XiAn Railway Station success!

2016-09-23 05:04:52来源: 天极网


[Yesky IT news] September 22nd, Xi'an Jingdong, cloud power "Internet plus" strategy for the national tour XiAn Railway Station landing -2016 Chinese success. Jingdong cloud not only brought together Jingdong for many years successful practices and experience in the operation of large data, cloud computing technology and services, but also showcases the Jingdong cloud products and professional, personalized solutions for Xi'an enterprises to Internet plus transformation, and northwest industry service...

标签: 京东