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Guards legs! Jackie Chan movie supporting actress enviable legs

2016-01-27 07:59:06来源: 荆楚网

张蓝心 中国娱乐网讯 张蓝心因出演成龙电影《十二生肖》被大众熟知,在电影中,身高177,拥有三尺四的长腿、模特身材,外加自身原为跆拳道运动员身份的张蓝表现突出,并凭借片中的表演获得第32届香港电影...

Zhang Lan Xin China Entertainment Network News Zhang Lan Xin starred Jackie Chan film "Zodiac" is well known to the public, in the movie, height 177, with three feet four legs, model figure, plus its own original identity of Taekwondo athletes Zhang Lan outstanding, and by virtue of the film performance was the 32nd Hong Kong film ...

标签: 电影