新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州房价连涨17个月 有市民担心出现抢房大战

广州房价连涨17个月 有市民担心出现抢房大战

Guangzhou housing prices even rose 17 months there are people worried about the emergence of rush room battle

2016-09-20 11:38:34来源: 南方网

深圳中秋新房均价达65493元/㎡ 同比上涨近一倍 金羊网讯记者李晓旭报道:中秋三天小长假,深圳楼市明显好转。有机构监测显示,中秋节期间深圳在售楼盘访客量和认筹情况较之前有明显好转。从备案数据看...

Mid Autumn Festival in Shenzhen new home price of 65493 yuan / square meters rose nearly doubled in Jinyang Reuters reporter Li Xiaoxu reports: Mid Autumn Festival three days a small holiday, the Shenzhen property market significantly improved. Agency monitoring shows that during the Mid Autumn Festival in Shenzhen in the sale of real estate and visitors compared to the previous case identification chips have significantly improved. From the record data...