新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国明星情侣醉酒划皮艇翻船 帅气男模溺水身亡

美国明星情侣醉酒划皮艇翻船 帅气男模溺水身亡

The star couple drunk draw kayak capsizes handsome male drowning died 8 months

2015-08-12 16:00:19来源: 中国新闻网

中新网8月12日电 据美国媒体11日报道,美国纽约的夏天很多人都喜欢乘着皮艇,在哈德逊河上飘荡,享受美景。但是近日,一对明星情侣在湖中划皮艇,其中身为模特的男友竟然溺水身亡,一时间成了各媒体报道的热点。 这对情侣女的是歌坛女星安妮·蓝妮克丝的女儿22岁的达利,男的是32岁模特伊恩·琼...

12, according to U. S. media reported on the 11th, the New York summer many people like take a kayak, floating on the Hudson River, enjoy the scenery. But recently, the celebrity couple in the lake kayaking, which in for the model's boyfriend actually drowned, a time into the hot media reports. The couple is the female singer actress Anne Lennox's 22 year old daughter, Daly, is a 32 year old male model Ian jean...