新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全球同服的韩国RPG游戏《ROTO RPG》已上架

全球同服的韩国RPG游戏《ROTO RPG》已上架

The world with the south Korean clothing RPG game ROTO RPG has shelves

2016-10-03 00:17:55来源: 新浪

由韩国游戏公司Funigloo推出的动作RPG新作《ROTO RPG》近日正式上架,游戏中玩家可以从35个英雄中任意选择三位展开冒险之旅,从MOBA到攻城战,塔防,小游戏,世界BOSS等丰富的RPG...

Funigloo launched by the south Korean game company action RPG new ROTO RPG recently is activated, the game players can choose any three of the hero from 35 adventure, from MOBA to siege, tower defense, little game, and the BOSS rich RPG...

标签: 游戏