新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李毓芬被曝整容 绯闻男友柯震东:支持一切决定

李毓芬被曝整容 绯闻男友柯震东:支持一切决定

Tia Lee was rumored boyfriend Ke Zhendong: cosmetic decisions support

2016-10-08 03:20:13来源: 中国青年网

李毓芬被曝整容 腾讯娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,李毓芬和柯震东日前曝出低调复合,近日有网友爆料她在脸上微整,部位选在太阳穴上注射玻尿酸,除了可以修饰脸型,据悉最大的原因就是想调整面相,让代表着夫妻宫...

Tia Lee traced cosmetic Tencent entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, Tia Lee and Ke Zhendong, recently exposed low-key, friends broke her in the face this place on the temple in addition to the injection of hyaluronic acid, can be modified face, the biggest reason is to adjust the face, let represent husband and wife...