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三星Note7炸炸炸不完 韩光州一男子手被烧伤

Samsung Note7 Fried Fried Fried A man in Han Guangzhou hand burns

2016-09-14 08:19:13来源: 搜狐

三星Note7炸炸炸不完 韩光州一男子手被烧伤 据韩联社9月13日报道,上午5时左右,韩国光州北区云岩洞一栋住宅楼中,A某因手机着火致手部烫伤,随即报案。起火手机正是因电池起火事件正在全面召回并...

Samsung Note7 Fried Fried Fried A man in Han Guangzhou hand burns According to yonhap news agency reported on September 13, at around 5 am, kwangju north cloud cave in A residential buildings, one for A mobile phone on fire to hand burns, and immediately report. Mobile phone is for battery fire fire events are comprehensive and recall...

标签: 三星