新关注 > 信息聚合 > 内蒙古都市蒙古人的小年:盛装出行祭火祈福


Urban Mongolians in Inner Mongolia Xiaonian: containing travel an offering by fire to pray

2015-02-11 21:17:48来源: 中国新闻网

中新网呼和浩特2月11日电 (尚虹波)11日下午2时整,巴特尔带着妻子赶到蒙古风情园,参加在这里举办的成吉思汗祭祀及祭火活动。悠扬的蒙古族乐曲声中,用于祭火的巨大火盆已燃起火焰,旁边的供桌上摆好了上...

Beijing, Hohhot February 11 (Shang Hongbo) 11 days afternoon 2 when, battle with his wife rushed to the Mongolian style garden, in held here Genghis Khan sacrifice and offering of fire activity. The melodious sound of music for Mongolia people, huge fire flames have been offering the brazier, beside the table laid on...