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数字漩涡中 思科如何助金融业华丽转身

Digital vortex cisco to help finance turn

2016-10-27 13:10:22来源: IT168

【IT168 访谈】对于思科来说,全数字化之于企业意味着——开源、节流和体验。从全数字化的角度来说,开源、节流和体验是三个层面,这三个层面不是单一的,而是互相影响,产生一股力量——全数字化的力量。 ...

[IT168 interview] for cisco, fully digital to the means of an enterprise, open source and throttling and experience. From the point of view of fully digital, open source and throttling and experience is three levels, the three levels is not single, but influence each other, to produce a force - the power of the fully digital. ...