新关注 > 信息聚合 > 当代玉雕大师精品拍卖会预展开幕 23日下午举槌

当代玉雕大师精品拍卖会预展开幕 23日下午举槌

Contemporary jade carving master museum-quality preview 23 afternoon opening for the hammer

2016-10-21 21:26:38来源: 新浪

爱在深秋,色满京城。明日上午9时,尚品润博第八届玉雕精品拍卖会预展正式拉开帷幕,为红妆北京带来冰清玉润的别样风情。前来观展的藏家络绎不绝。藏家们早早进入预展现场认真的查看着自己中意的拍品。 预展...

Love is in late autumn, the color with the capital. Tomorrow at 9 am, they run the eighth jade carving museum-quality preview officially kicked off, bring red makeup Beijing bingqing jade embellish another amorous feelings. To come to the exhibition collectors in an endless stream. Collectors into the preview the scene early in earnest see their favorite items. Preview...