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New year's Day super spoof SMS Daquan

2015-12-30 14:05:50来源: 中国教育在线

不许动!抢劫!全部举起手来!男的站左边;女的站右边;变态的站中间;哎!说的就是你;还装着看手机! 警告:您的手机因超负荷使用;内部发生烈变;即将爆炸;请看完本提示后立即将手机丢与空旷无人处。。。...

freeze! Robbery! All raised his hand to! Men left the station; station on the right woman; abnormal station; hey! Say is you; filled with see the phone! Warning: your phone because of overload; inside the fierce change; about to explode; please after watching the hint immediately lost cell phone and the empty place. ...