新关注 > 信息聚合 > 桂林市叠彩区:师德廉政谈心树新风


Guilin diecai: ethics honest talk to behavior

2016-11-05 15:37:23来源: 广西新闻网

近日,桂林市叠彩区教育系统党委开展了师德廉政谈心教育活动。 此次师德廉政谈心教育是该区建立党风廉政教育与师德建设联动制度的具体活动形式之一。该区教育系统党委围绕“办人民满意的教育,办学生喜欢的学校...

Recently, the guilin diecai education system of the party committee to carry out the ethics talk integrity education activities. Talk the ethics of the education is the movement education and ethics construction linkage system of one of the specific activity form. "The education system of the party committee office of the people's satisfactory education, do the students like school...