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兴昊城比亚迪搬家 成为广州比亚迪总部

Xinghao City BYD move to become Hing Guangzhou Guangzhou BYD's headquarters

2015-07-31 13:44:05来源: 爱卡汽车网

广州兴昊城比亚迪五星级服务店新面貌! 兴昊城新老店地址对比 昊城集团旗下兴昊城比亚迪4S店,由2015年7月29日搬往广州市白云区黄石东路769号,距离原来云城东路店直线距离50米(位于黄石...

Hao City BYD five-star service store new look! Xinghao City store address comparison Hao city group's Xing Hao City BYD 4S shop, by 2015, July 29, moved to Guangzhou Baiyun District Huangshi East Road, No. 769 from original Yuncheng Road shop in a straight line distance of 50 meters (located in Huangshi...