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二次元、小游戏称霸App Stpre 1/3靠自充

Two dimensional, small game dominate App Stpre 1/3 by self charge

2016-10-11 23:02:43来源: 新浪

今年Chinajoy之后,国内appstore这个榜是愈发看不懂、愈发没法看了! 刷榜之风盛行:1/3新游进畅销榜TOP50靠自充 这其中,“没法看”的一定要算上iOS畅销榜,更没法看的是付费榜。 打开今天的iOS畅销榜,TOP10腾讯仅剩《王者荣耀》一个独苗,TOP20只剩...

After the Chinajoy this year, the domestic Appstore this list is increasingly unable to understand, can not see more! Brush list in vogue: 1/3 into the new TOP50 bestseller by self filling this one, "no law" must be counted on iOS bestsellers, but can not see the pay list. Open today's best-selling iOS TOP10 Tencent, only the "king of glory" an only child, only TOP20...

标签: 游戏 APP