新关注 > 信息聚合 > 喜剧新星安冬年少学艺:偷卖鸡蛋买磁带学相声


Comedy star to learn skills AnDong young: steal eggs, a tape learning crosstalk

2016-07-27 11:50:01来源: 中国新闻网

安东(左),邵权(右)。 深读人物 上周日晚,东莞南城步行街的榕树下广场烈日高温余波尚在,安冬和邵权两人穿着大褂,一逗一捧,在临时搭建的舞台上说完传统相声《八扇屏》后满脸都是汗。去年7月19...

Anton (left), Shao Quan (right). Deep reading characters on Sunday night, dongguan banyan tree of pedestrian street in south square sun high temperature, is still in AnDong and Shao Quan two people wearing a coat, a funny one, on a makeshift stage with that of traditional crosstalk "eight fan screen after a full face of sweating all over. Last July 19...