新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金昌地税去年完成税费收入25亿多元


Jinchang land tax 2.5 billion yuan of tax revenue last year

2017-01-24 10:58:23来源: 中国甘肃网

原标题:【简明时讯】金昌地税去年完成税费收入25亿多元 中国甘肃网1月24日讯据甘肃日报报道(记者 刘兴元) 2016年,金昌市地税局以全面落实“营改增”为契机,采取税收清查等多项措施,实现了逆势...

The original title: "simply as" jinchang land tax 2.5 billion yuan of tax revenue last year China network on January 24 - according to gansu gansu daily (reporter Xing-yuan liu) in 2016, the singularity of local taxation bureau to full implementation of "camp to add" as an opportunity to take inventory measures such as tax, has realized the buck...