新关注 > 信息聚合 > 将收纳藏于无形的70平米温馨小家


Will receive in intangible 70 - square - meter warm small home

2016-12-29 14:04:23来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 公共区域的墙面使用白橡木洗白搭配英式硅酸钙板,餐厅主墙加入复古砖元素,温馨中增添视觉变化。 将收纳藏于无形的70平米温馨小家 开放式的餐厨区,加装玻璃防止料理台内的水溅出。 将收...

【 abstract 】 the metope of the public areas using white oak wash white collocation British calcium silicate board, dining-room advocate wall brick restoring ancient ways elements, add visual changes in a warm. Will receive in the intangible 70 - square - metre home sweet open kitchen area, spilling out of the water in the glass to help them avoid arrange stage. Will be closed...