新关注 > 信息聚合 > 揭秘游戏代练真实状态:没有想象中那样赚钱


Reveal the game whereas true state: not as profitable as you think

2017-07-11 01:42:31来源: 中国新闻网

华龙网7月10日22时讯(记者 祝可 董进)“国民游戏”《王者荣耀》火了,也带火了相关产业。此前有消息称,网上一些《王者荣耀》代练店月入超500万元,游戏代练月入超5万元。所谓“游戏代练”,就是在网...

China work on July 10, 22 when dispatch (reporter zhu Dong Jin) "national game" "the glory of the king", also with related industries. After it emerged that some "king glory whereas online store, more than 5 million yuan, works game whereas income exceeds 50000 yuan. The so-called "whereas" game, is in the net...

标签: 游戏