新关注 > 信息聚合 > 环湖赛进入甘肃赛段 车手告别高海拔赛段

环湖赛进入甘肃赛段 车手告别高海拔赛段

Enter to the stage in gansu province Say goodbye to the high altitude stage driver

2017-07-24 22:35:29来源: 搜狐新闻


News agency in linxia, gansu province, July 24 (Reuters) 16th tour DE qinghai lake international road cycling race qinghai period for the end of the 24, 115 drivers from eastern city music area, the east riding all the way, say goodbye to the high altitude stage, set foot on stage in gansu province. The end of the stage, China's qinghai god bless DE rider Jonathan rousseff fourth wear yellow LingQiShan, lay a title challenge. Author: Hu Guilong, ZhaiLu, li xuefeng.