新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日照:高校学子走廊过道避暑忙考研


Sunshine: college students corridors aisle summer busy one's deceased father grind

2017-08-11 23:59:37来源: 齐鲁网

山东24小时讯 2017年8月10日21时左右,在山东日照曲阜师范大学内,主楼的走廊过道内排满了课桌座椅,并且有很多学生在安心学习备战考研。日照的气温一直较高,教室内并无特别的降温措施,很多备战考研...

Shandong 24 hours - at about 10 August 21, 2017 in rizhao shandong qufu normal university, the main building within the corridors aisle full desk seats, and there are a lot of students to study in peace prepare for one's deceased father grind. Sunshine temperature has been high, there was no one special cooling measures in the classroom, a lot of preparation for one's deceased father grind...