新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每日IT极热 三星Gear S2智能手表10月开卖

每日IT极热 三星Gear S2智能手表10月开卖

Daily it sizzling Samsung S2 gear smart watch October sale

2015-09-04 18:37:27来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道专稿】2015年9月4日热点IT新闻:在IFA 2015的主题演讲中,三星公布了Gear S2的更多信息,同时表示这款智能手表将在10月正式上市。根据知名曝料人@evleaks披...

[Yesky news channel of Zhuangao] 2015 September 4, hot it news: in IFA 2015 the keynote speech, Samsung announced the S2 gear more information, also said this smart watch will be in October officially listed. According to the well-known exposure of @evleaks phi...

标签: 三星