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Pass Chelsea want to with Liverpool for the Turk

2015-05-21 08:08:24来源: 华体网

据《镜报》报道,切尔西准备与利物浦争夺维拉射手本特克。 蓝军主帅穆里尼奥准备在今年夏天签下一名新前锋,英超新科冠军关注阿斯顿维拉射手本特克已有半个赛季,这名比利时球星是切尔西今夏收购的潜在人选之一...

according to reports in the daily mirror, Chelsea are ready to compete with Liverpool and Aston Villa striker benteke. Blues boss Jose Mourinho is ready to in this summer to sign a new striker, the Premier League champions on Aston Villa striker the Turk has been half a season, the Belgian star is Chelsea this summer acquisition of one of the potential candidates.