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世界杯-名将传射屡建功 美国2-0德国挺进决赛

World Cup - champion pass shot Jiangong repeated United States 2-0 to advance to the finals Sina

2015-07-01 10:11:46来源: 新浪

美国女足挺进世界杯决赛 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月1日7点,2015年女足世界杯展开首场半决赛的较量,美国女足2-0击败德国女足率先挺进决赛。第58分钟德国队将点球机会射丢,而第67分钟美国队抓住...

American women's advance to the World Cup finals of sina sports news Beijing time on July 1, 7 p.m., 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup started the first semi-final of the contest, the United States women's 2-0 defeat to the German women's football team took the lead into the final. Fifty-eighth minutes of the German team will be a penalty shoot out, and the United States to seize sixty-seventh minutes...