新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最小也有5.7英寸 旗舰级大屏手机推荐

最小也有5.7英寸 旗舰级大屏手机推荐

Have the smallest 5.7 inches flagship large screen mobile phone recommended

2015-05-02 03:01:51来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 海选导购】随着手机技术的发展,如今的手机在各方面相比之前都有很大进步,比如说处理器、内存、屏幕分辨率等,而屏幕的尺寸也随着手机的发展而逐步变大。之前的手机很容易进行单手操作,至于...

[pconline auditions guide] with the development of mobile technology, today's mobile phone in the compared to before has made great progress, for example, processor, memory, screen resolution, and the size of the screen also along with the development of the mobile phone and gradually become larger. Before the mobile phone is easy to operate, as the...