新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库里休战勇士遭快船屠35分 格里芬29分保罗7+10

库里休战勇士遭快船屠35分 格里芬29分保罗7+10

The Clippers Tu 35 points Griffin 6 29 points Paul 7+10

2015-10-21 13:34:13来源: 网易

快船6人上双,汤普森得到21分,库里没有出场。 网易体育10月21日报道: 洛杉矶快船队在主场找回赢球感觉。面对缺少了库里的金州勇士队,格里芬得到29分,小里弗斯得到16分,他们带领球队六人得分...

clippers double curry truce warriors being, Thompson had 21 points, curry did not play. NetEase sports reported in October 21st: the Losangeles clippers win back the feeling in the home court. In the face of the lack of Library of the Golden State Warriors, Blake Griffin had 29 points, small rivers had 16 points, they lead six team scores...