新关注 > 信息聚合 > 半坡饰族bampo:“快乐手工 走进校园”——半坡..

半坡饰族bampo:“快乐手工 走进校园”——半坡..

Banpo decorative family bampo: "happy hand into the campus" -- Banpo..

2015-06-02 12:25:13来源: 大河网


as the first brand of Chinese original art handbag, Banpo decorative Group has been adhering to the spirit of the original, pay attention to the Chinese traditional arts and crafts, and modern technique the creative interpretation, embroidery, print, fabric stickers, lacquer, enamel, paper cutting and so on many kinds of art forms in the handbag and coruscate newborn. As a decorative handicraft culture Banpo clan...