新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《奇葩说》《你正常吗》等节目风靡年轻观众


The wonderful said, "" you normally do, "and other programs popular show the young audience

2015-07-09 17:18:58来源: 东北新闻网

《奇葩说》《你正常吗》等节目风靡年轻观众 网络自制综艺竞争电视“大综艺” 一直以来,综艺节目都是各大卫视的收视王牌,从《爸爸去哪儿》《我是歌手》到《奔跑吧,兄弟》,这些节目赚足了眼球和口碑。遗...

the wonderful said," "you normally do, and swept the young audience network homemade variety TV competition" variety "has been, variety shows are the major TV ace ratings from the father where" the singer "to" run!, "brothers, these programs earn enough eyeballs and word of mouth. Left...