新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《辐射4》火爆大战 1000死亡爪大战钢铁兄弟会

《辐射4》火爆大战 1000死亡爪大战钢铁兄弟会

The radiation 4 "hot war 1000 death claw war the brotherhood of steel will Sina

2015-11-16 14:11:11来源: 新浪

从《辐射4》发售开始,NPC大混战的视频变得越来越有人气。来看看这个超级疯狂的作品,1000个死亡爪对战100个钢铁兄弟会成员。 这部作品来自Cosmic Contrarian。1000只死亡爪...

from" radiation "launched, the NPC melee video becomes more and more popular. To look at this super crazy work, the 1000 death claw for the fight against the 100 iron and steel brotherhood members. This work comes from Contrarian Cosmic. 1000 dead claws...