新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽数据调查 大多数玩家拥有100只宠物

魔兽数据调查 大多数玩家拥有100只宠物

Most survey data of Warcraft player has 100 pet

2015-09-26 14:01:01来源: 多玩游戏

今天MMO公布了一项魔兽世界宠物的统计数据,其样本为旗下今年8月1日后的210万个欧美活跃玩家,一起来看一下吧。 从总体收集数上看,有一半的玩家收集了100个宠物(不包括重复宠物),这样看来宠物...

in today's MMO announced a world of Warcraft pet statistical data, the sample for its August 1 after 210 million in Europe and the United States active players, with a look at bar. From the overall collection of data, half of the players have collected 100 pets (not including PET), so it seems like a pet...

标签: 玩家