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调查:外资流入中国债市将井喷 可减缓资本外流

Survey: China's foreign capital that flows in the bond market is expected to slow capital outflows blowout can be

2016-10-31 06:03:02来源: 新浪

新浪美股讯 北京时间31日凌晨彭博称,借人民币成为国际储备货币的东风,境外央行以及主权基金今后两年料将加快踏入中国债市的脚步,从而减缓中国资本外流压力。 彭博本月对11家机构分析师进行的调查中值...

Sina stocks - Beijing time 31 LingChenPeng bo said, borrow the RMB as an international reserve currency, foreign central Banks and sovereign wealth funds over the next two years is expected to accelerate in the footsteps of China's bond market, so as to reduce pressure on China's capital outflows. Bloomberg survey of 11 analysts this month value...