新关注 > 信息聚合 > 香港特区立法会通过952亿港元临时拨款


Hong Kong's legislative council by hk $95.2 billion provisional appropriations

2017-03-23 01:18:44来源: 人民网

人民网香港3月22日电 香港特区立法会22日通过952亿港元临时拨款,以确保特区政府在财政预算案获立法会通过前,有资源继续运作。 香港特区政府财经事务及库务局局长陈家强指出,特区政府每日均需处理...

People in Hong Kong on March 22 (xinhua) Hong Kong legislative council 22 by hk $95.2 billion temporary funding, to ensure that the SAR government passed by the legislative council in the budget before, has the resources to continue operations. The Hong Kong SAR government SFST Mr Chan pointed out that the SAR government must deal with daily...