新关注 > 信息聚合 > RNG众人在武汉特训,Korol身现老家网吧!


RNG all specially trained in wuhan, Korol body now home Internet cafes!

2017-09-20 10:40:45来源: 游久网

导读要说起LPL中的老牌选手,除了Uzi、厂长等人之外,大家一定还记得Korol。当年的他意气风发,实力强劲,被人称为 童无敌 ,然而几年过去他却逐渐失去了上场资格。近日有LOL玩家在贴吧爆料,Ko...

Introduction to speak of the established players in LPL, besides Uzi, factory director and others, you must remember Korol. In those days he high-spirited, strong, known as children's invincible, but in the past a few years he gradually lost the game. Recently have LOL players in tieba fact, Ko...